Heathrow Upgrade Premium Service Customer Satisfaction Survey

We are constantly reviewing ways to improve our service. We would greatly appreciate your feedback. Kindly complete the short survey below. Thank you for your time.

Please Select service provided.
 Meet and Assist
Please select your jornety type.
How did you hear about us?
Age range?
How the services was booked ?.
 Call Centre
1. Please rate your overall quality of service.
2. Please rate our website / call centre agent for Heathrow Upgrade Premium Service.
Scale 1-5. Where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent
 1 Poor   2   3   4  5 Excellent
Ease of booking online
Ease of booking through call centre
Customer service skill
Product knowledge
Advice of other available services?
How easy to find info regarding services on the website ?
How likely you will be interested to book other services?
Service Delivery
3. Please rate the staff who provided the service.
Scale 1-5. Where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent
 1 Poor   2   3   4  5 Excellent
Customer Service
Quality of service
Airport knowledge
Product knowledge
Delivery of service
Agent location / visability
Speed of service
4. Please rate how likely you would consider the following. Scale 1-5 Where 1 is Very unlikely and 5 is Very likely
 1 Very unlikely   2 Somewhat likely   3 Neutral   4 Somewhat likely  5 Very likely
Book our services again
Try other services we offer
Recommend to a friend/colleague
Book online via the website
Book through our call centre
Product Review
5. Would you consider booking any of the following services if made available?
 Yes  No  Maybe
Flower arrangement
SIM Cards
Personal shopper
Infant pushchair
6. Do you feel our services are fairly priced / good value for money?
Very inexpensive
Somewhat inexpersive
Priced right
Somewhat expensive
Very expensive
Passenger Details
 *  *
 *  *
Sender Details
 *  *
